Safety Drills

Annual Safety Drills

The safety of students, faculty and staff is very important to us at Joplin Schools. Practicing safety drills is part of an overall plan to help maintain a safe environment. The information below will help you to better understand each of the drills that we practice throughout the school year.

Students and staff practice five primary emergency drills each year:
- Fire Drills
- Reverse Evacuation Drills
- Lockdown Drills
- Tornado Drills
- Earthquake Drills

Read the pre-drill teacher scripts (pre-k - 3rd grade)
Read the pre-drill teacher scripts (4th grade - high school)

Your child’s school will conduct a Fire Drill each month that school is in session. This is a Fire Code requirement as well as a requirement by Joplin Schools. We want each student to understand and be aware of the importance of this drill and not be afraid when the fire alarm is sounded. By practicing they will know what to do and how to do it quickly, not only in case of a fire, but at any time the building needs to be evacuated.

Reverse Evacuation procedures are implemented when conditions inside the building are safer than outside. Students practice getting back into the building quickly in the event of an external threat. Reverse Evacuation drills are conducted at least twice each semester.

The school will conduct several Lockdown Drills during the school year. The purpose of a lockdown is to keep students, staff and visitors safe from any danger outside or inside the building. During these drills, teachers will discuss and practice with their students what actions they would take during a real lockdown event.

The Tornado Drill will be conducted at least twice each semester. The purpose of this drill is to practice moving students to a safe location within the building in case of severe weather or tornados.

Each year, Joplin Schools will participate in the Great Central U.S. Shake Out. Everyone will practice how to drop, cover and hold on, and teachers will discuss the importance of earthquake preparedness. This is a chance to practice what to do during earthquakes to reduce potential injuries.

Please remember that these safety practice drills are done to help maintain our schools as safe places to learn and work. If you have any safety questions or concerns, you are encouraged to contact your child’s building principal.

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