Educating Homeless Children

Homeless Dispute Resolution

McKinney-Vento Act – Definition of Homelessness:

·       Homeless children and youth are individuals who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence.

o   Sharing the housing of others (“doubled-up”) due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;

o   Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to a lack of alternative adequate accommodations;

o   Living in emergency and transitional shelters;

o   Unsheltered;

o   Unaccompanied youth who have runaway or who are denied housing by their guardians

Main Themes of McKinney-Vento

·       School stability

·       School accesses

·       Support for academic success

·       Child-centered, best interest decision making

McKinney-Vento Requires Districts to:

·       Appoint a Homeless Coordinator: Tara Porter

·       Actively identify homeless children & youth

·       Determine school of best interest with family

·       Provide transportation to school of best interest

·       Remove all barriers to enrollment & success

·       Inform parents, school staff, and others of rights of homeless students

·       Facilitate resolution of disputes

Educational Protections:

·       Immediate enrollment, even lacking paperwork

·       Concepts of “school of origin” and “school of best interest”

·       Right to transportation

·       Right to comparable and non-segregated services

·       Right to complete the school year at one school if feasible

·       Access to free breakfast and lunch program

·       Access to Title 1 services

Additional Services Provided to Homeless Students:

·       Outreach, case management, and support services

·       School supplies, backpacks, school clothes and other daily living and enrichment items

·       Tutoring to help students catch up and stay current

·       Funds for activity and educational field trip fees

·       Funds to replace textbooks, library books,

·       Funds to purchase books for students to own through school book fairs

·       Transportation for students to attend school, extra-curricular activities, and tutoring

·       Transportation for families to attend conferences and school events

·       Funds to purchase birth certificates

·       Hygiene items

·       Scholarships for participation in early childhood education programs

Other Funding and Donations are used to Help Homeless Students With:

·       Graduation expenses

·       Yearbooks

·       School pictures

·       Class rings

·       Field trips

·       Prom/Courtwarming outfits

·       Medical Needs

·       Educational Needs

·       Transportation

·       Extracurricular Fees and Supplies

·       Etc.


Contact Us

Dr. Jordan Dickey
Executive Director of Student Services

Tara Porter
McKinney Vento Liaison
[email protected]
417-625-5200 Ext. 2348
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