How We Communicate

Joplin Schools is committed to providing clear, relevant, and timely communication in support of classroom learning, student achievement, parent partnership, staff development, and good stewardship. In order to support those goals, we plan to communicate in the following ways:

Direct Communication
ParentSquare is the Joplin Schools communication platform for all district, school, class, club, and team notifications and reminders, for both parents and students. We will use ParentSquare to send alerts about:
  • Emergencies
  • School Closures
  • Attendance Notifications
  • Class/school reminders
Parents and guardians are encouraged to register for a ParentSquare account for the fullest functionality. However, even if parents choose not to register for an account, they will still receive urgent alerts and updates.

Social Media
As a district, we use Facebook and Instagram accounts to share information and celebrations. Because we do not expect parents to seek important information on social media, that information will also be shared in other, more targeted formats regularly. Each school building also has a dedicated Facebook page. Many clubs, teams, and extracurricular activities also host their own social media accounts to celebrate and share information. 
Eagle Express: Quarterly Newsletters
Quarterly digital district newsletters are sent to parents, guardians, and community members who sign up to be on the mailing list. To sign up for these emailed newsletters, please email [email protected].

Board Meetings
Community comments are welcomed at all open session board meetings. Please click here for more information and to download the form required to address the board.

Building Websites
Please check individual school building websites for detailed bell schedules, menu links, staff directories, phone numbers, news updates, social media links, and more.

Annual Surveys
Joplin Schools values feedback received from staff, parents, students, and community members. The Communications department sends annual digital surveys to these groups, and compiles the data for use in strategic planning and problem-solving district-wide. Additional surveys are sent by each building and department as needed.

District and Building Calendars
Each building and the district itself regularly updates a public-facing Google calendar so families and community members can easily find important dates. To subscribe to the District Google Calendar or individual building calendars, at the top of the webpage calendar, click the mobile phone icon to "Subscribe via iCal/RSS" and follow the instructions provided.

Community Engagement Events
  • Focus Groups: Three to four times per year, the Superintendent's office hosts Focus Groups of parents and/or staff members to address strategic goals with the input of these stakeholders. To request an invitation to this group, please contact [email protected]. Group size is limited.
  • Superintendent's Coffees: Three to four times per year, the Superintendent's office hosts Coffee Talk events in area venues to allow families and community members time to voice concerns, share solutions, or ask questions in a casual, unscripted format. Coffee Talk dates will be shared in newsletters, on the District Calendar, through ParentSquare posts, and social media posts.
  • Eagles Lunch & Learn: Joplin Schools will host the inaugural round of Eagles Lunch & Learn sessions held from September-December 2023. These small-group events are by invitation only, and will offer a chance for community members to have a behind-the-scenes look at district processes, with plenty of chances to provide feedback along the way. To express interest in Eagles Lunch & Learn, please email [email protected].
Open Doors
Joplin Schools administration welcomes the opportunity for meaningful conversations about our mission and strategies to prepare our students for success. Please visit Central Office at 825 S. Pearl; call us at 417-625-5200; or email [email protected] any time to share concerns or collaborate on solutions. 
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