ParentSquare is the communication platform for all Joplin Schools district, school, class, club, and team notifications and reminders, for both parents and students. We will use ParentSquare to send alerts about:
- Emergencies
- School Closures
- Attendance Notifications
- Class/school reminders
Parents and guardians are encouraged to register for a ParentSquare account for the fullest functionality. However, even if parents choose not to register for an account, they will still receive urgent alerts and updates.
How to Register: Parents
1. Log in to your Parent Portal account in PowerSchool to make sure your parent contact information (email address, phone number) is updated and correct. (Check with your school secretary if you need help logging in to PowerSchool.)
2. Visit www.ParentSquare.com/SignIn or download the free iOS or Android ParentSquare App and enter your email address or phone number into the "Register" box. This should be the same contact information that is on file in your PowerSchool Parent Portal.
3. You will receive a verification email from ParentSquare. Please click into that email to verify your account.
4. Once verified, ParentSquare will prompt you to confirm your contact information and student connections. You are encouraged to check your notification settings once registered, to choose how and when you prefer to receive school notifications.
Troubleshooting: Parents
1. Most problems can be resolved by being sure your PowerSchool contact information is correct. PowerSchool updates made on day 1 will be synced with ParentSquare nightly. Please try to register with ParentSquare again on day 2.
2. If your student is homeschooled but attends certain periods on campus, you may have limited ParentSquare access. Please contact [email protected] for assistance.
3. If you successfully registered but you are missing students in your account, click on My Account in ParentSquare. Under "Missing Kids, Schools, or Contact Info?" click "Combine with Another Account."
4. For other assistance, please contact your building secretary or email [email protected].

StudentSquare, a ParentSquare add-on, allows school, team, and activity staff to send alerts and reminders directly to 7th to 12th grade students in a safe, archived, streamlined format to:
- Send and receive school and class information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Share team and club updates
During the course of the next school year, ParentSquare and StudentSquare will replace other third-party team/class/club communications apps including Remind, GroupMe, Band, etc. All 7th to 12th grade students are encouraged to register and/or download the app to receive regular communications from their teachers, coaches, and club sponsors.
How To Register: Students
1. Visit
www.MyStudentSquare.com/SignIn or download the free iOS or Android StudentSquare App and enter your student email address into the "Register" box.
3. You will receive a verification email from StudentSquare. Please click into that email to verify your account.
4. Once verified, StudentSquare will prompt you to confirm your contact information and school connections. You are encouraged to check your notification settings once registered, to choose how and when you prefer to
receive school notifications.
Troubleshooting: Students
1. If students choose not to download the app or do not have a mobile phone, they can visit mystudentsquare.com/signin and register using their school email address. Non-app students will receive notifications through district email.
2. New registry does not work well if students start with the “Sign In” box at mystudentsquare.com/signin. They need to be sure they’re starting in the “Register” box. Some might have luck using Sign In with Google if other options fail.
3. If students are struggling with the QR code or the online link to register, school staff can enter ParentSquare to send an invite email or a special join code.
4. If registration still is not working, students should contact their school secretary or tech office, or email [email protected]